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Privacy Policy (GDPR)

In application of the new European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data 2016/679, this website which will henceforth be called "" and with the following information:

Owner: "Katsara Vasiliki"
Contact address: Frantzi 18, Kalamata, P.O. 24100,
Contact person: Katsara Vasiliki,
Responsible for digital data processing: Katsara Vasiliki

The person in charge, who will henceforth be called the "processor", is properly designed to cover the processing of personal data and the visitor's rights in a completely legal and clear manner.

The personal data voluntarily provided by the visitor of this website is archived by the "Processor". The above personal data are processed for informational purposes by the "processor", press releases, announcements, invitations and other missions and calls related to the above activity as well as for statistical reasons. The personal data will be kept by the "processor" during its activity, unless its deletion is requested by the user.

The protection, processing and management of the personal data of the user of this website is governed by the terms and provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as well as the applicable legislation.

The user of the "" website retains his full rights, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 concerning: a) oblivion (deletion), b) data portability, c) opposition, d ) to change data (correction), e) to update, f) to access and g) to restrict processing.

The full text of the Regulation can be found at https:/ /

If the visitor chooses to provide personal data or consent to the processing of his personal data, which you have already submitted through "", he has the right to be informed and correct or even delete this data at any time. If he chooses specific uses or communications, he will be able to stop his registration at any time, following the relevant instructions. If you decide to unsubscribe from a service or communication, the "controller" will ensure that the data is removed. Your personal data is not available and not transmitted to third parties, without the express consent of the user.

The "controller" uses modern technology and security measures, rules as well as other procedures to protect personal data from any unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, loss or destruction.

The "controller" retains control and responsibility over the use of this information.

For any question or additional information regarding the processing of personal data by the "processor" and/or the relevant rights of the user of this website and their exercise, please contact us via e-mail at the above address.

Cookies policy

A cookie is a small set of data that a website can store on your computer or mobile phone. The cookie allows the website to "remember" your actions while browsing it. Although the majority of browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera, support the use of cookies, the user can nevertheless set his browser not to accept cookies or delete them afterwards.

Utility of cookies

Cookies can perform many functions and are mainly used to measure the traffic of a website as a whole or only specific sub-pages. For example, the number of visitors live or per hour of the day, their geographical origin, the operating system and resolution of their computer screen, the page they came from (via a search engine, a link from another page or directly input), the keyword used in the search engine, etc. Other cookies can remember, for the convenience of the user, the choice of language or the results of his search on a website. Still others can record the user's failed login attempts to a website, so that (the websites) require, after a certain number of failed login attempts, the further cross-checking of their data, for example by entering an additional code, which it is sent to him by sms on his mobile phone.

Use of cookies

The website under the domain name "", hereinafter referred to as "the website", stores cookies on the terminal equipment of its visitors to improve their browsing on it, as well as to measure its traffic. With these cookies, users' privacy and sensitive personal data are not put at risk.

1. Session Cookies (Session Cookies)
Session cookies allow users to be recognized while browsing a website so that their various choices are remembered and transferred from sub-page to sub-page. The most common example of this function is the shopping cart in online stores. When you add products to your cart, the session cookie remembers your selections so that the products you selected are there when you are ready to pay. Without the session cookie, the page would not remember exactly which products you added to your cart, resulting in your cart being empty when you clicked checkout.

2. Universal Analytics Cookies
Google Universal Analytics uses cookies to report user interactions on Google Analytics client websites. These cookies are used to store non-personally identifiable information. The cookies of the Google Analytics service, which are stored through our page on the user's terminal equipment, are the following:

The cookie named "_ga" serves to identify unique visitors to our website and has a lifetime of two years from the last visit to the website.
The cookie named "_gat" is used to anonymously monitor the visitor's behavior while browsing the website and has a lifespan of ten minutes from the user's visit to the website. For example, it detects the entry and exit subpage of the visitor from the website, the time spent on each subpage, etc.

It is pointed out that the lifetime of the above cookies can be changed by Google without prior warning.

3. Acceptance of Cookies
After you have given your consent for the acceptance of cookies from this website in accordance with the procedure described below, a cookie named "cookie accepted" is stored on your terminal equipment, which remembers your consent and has a lifetime one year from the granting of consent. The practical value of installing this cookie is to avoid the hassle of giving the same consent every time you visit the website.

Obligation of consent for storing cookies

The installation and use of "cookies" is specifically regulated by paragraph 5 of article 4 of Law 3471/2006 (which transposed Directive 2002/58/EC into the Greek legal order) according to which the installation and use of "cookie" allowed only with the consent of the user. A website can install such a "cookie" only if the respective user has given his consent after clear and extensive information about this installation, the purpose of the processing, the exercise of the right of access and any recipients of the data. This consent may be given through appropriate settings in the web browser or through another application.

Obtaining consent from the visitor

Given that the cookies of the Google Universal Analytics service are from a third party to our page and do not fall under the exception of par. 5 of article 4 of Law 3471/2006 as traffic analysis cookies, our page receives the consent of the visitor before storage of cookies on his terminal equipment. The user has the possibility at any time to delete the cookies, which this page stored in his browser, through his settings.

In particular, the website uses a special plugin, which prevents cookies from being stored on the visitor's terminal equipment, if their consent is not first obtained by pressing an acceptance button. Next to the acceptance button there is a link that leads to the present cookie policy of the website, in which the user can read all the necessary information, which will make it easier for him to make a decision to grant consent or not to accept cookies.

Checking and deleting cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies according to your wishes. Details can be found here: You can delete all cookies already on your computer, as well as set most browsers to prevent the installation of cookies. However, in this case, you may need to adjust some preferences yourself each time you visit a website, and some services may also not work.